Till Death Do Us Part

Gothic and alternative weddings are currently a rising trend among young engaged couples and if you’re looking to get wed in the Autumn or Winter months, the inky blacks, rich purples, scarlet reds and burnt oranges can look tantalisingly dramatic against a backdrop of old brickwork or an old folly, barn or castle setting. 

gothic veil

Burnt oranges can look tantalisingly dramatic against a backdrop of old brickwork or an old folly.

Originally veils had a more symbolic meaning, thought to protect the bride from evil spirits. Veils showed the purity of the bride and were designed to hide the bride’s face from the groom until the moment of when they were joined in matrimony.

Weddings are laced with tradition and symbolism. One question you may be deliberating about is whether or not to opt for a wedding veil. This beautiful wedding accessory is rooted in history and goes back centuries and the tradition is said to have originated from the ancient Greeks.

These days, they are a wonderful modern accessory to capture the personality and taste of the bride to be wed. So depending on your style; gothic, steampunk, vintage, romantic, whimsical, you can really go to town when it comes to choosing a veil and having it hand decorated by Star & Leaf to suit your needs and tastes.

Halloween is a great time to throw caution to the wild winds and let your creative juices go wild! From sexy & seductive to medieval and vampy. If you’re opting for a darker-coloured wedding dress, you may want to team it up with a lighter coloured veil but have some darker colours injected into the veil to ensure it stands out and creates your look of choice.

Our selection of ideas and our expertise will bring your ideas to life!

We won’t ask what possessed you, but we’ll offer a spellbinding selection of ideas and our expertise to bring your ideas and veil to life and ensure you won’t leave any heart cold on your big day! Your guests will swoon at your dark and enchanting veil that will create the perfect fairytale look that is chic and unique to the imaginative realms of any gothic or steampunk wedding.

We’d love to chat with you through your ideas so please drop us a line at debbie@starandleaf.co.uk.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.
