Will you be saying ‘I will’ this Valentine’s Day?

So, the 14th February has arrived and at this time of year, this special day is filled with love letters & pretty cards, delicious chocolates, beautiful blooms, candlelit suppers and precious time spent with our loved ones. Valentine’s Day actually derives from a Roman holiday which honoured Juno, the goddess of marriage, every year. Each year the romans would celebrate health and fertility with a huge feast. The romans knew spring was just around the corner, so would do this in order for their plants to grow and increase fertility. And for those of you who are one of the lucky ones to say ‘I will’ on this very special day, there’s no better time to kick-start your plans for your wedding day, and ensure it’s filled with love, romance and lots of affection.

You’ve set the date for the big day and booked your venue and you now need to decide a theme. So, if you’re opting for a romantic theme but want to add some vivid colours and pizazz, to make it your own, you can do that in various different ways.

If you want to add some drama and stand out from the crowd, maybe opt for a vintage look.  We absolutely adore this image of our beautiful young couple fixed in a loving embrace. You can really feel the love between them.

Colourful wedding veil

The veil was delicately hand-painted with vivid reds and other bright block colours, which really made an impact on the bride’s unique wedding outfit. The beautiful burnt oranges in the flowers really helped the veil to sing and scream romance. We think this stunning veil is a real statement piece!

A long, flowing veil makes all the difference to your romantic wedding look, adding softness and real drama to your dress, without having to go overboard on other accessories. You’re sure to be a stand-out bride with a veil like this.

Hand crafted unconventional wedding veils

The wedding veil is the most iconic wedding accessory, adding both romance and grace to your outfit. And don’t forget your wedding day is the one-off occasion where you’ll have the opportunity to wear one! With lots of ideas and inspiration we’ll help you to make the best choice, to ensure the veil complements your wedding outfit.

So please enter my world of colour and the place where I take your dreams and ideas and stitch them into a reality. If you love the idea of a unique hand-painted veil but not quite sure of what you want; traditional, contemporary, romantic, vintage, gothic or something really simple, we can help you with your ideas and create something really unique for you to enjoy and love and cherish for years to come.

Colourful wedding

We can definitely promise you that none of the veils we create are the same, so they’ll be as individual as you are and will not leave any heart cold on your beautiful day. So, what are you waiting for, drop us a line at debbie@starandleaf.co.uk.

Hand crafted wedding veils